Ethnofonik 2020 – Call for Participants

 “Ethnofonik” is a comprehensive, interactive training course aimed at providing the Participants with the tools to facilitate the exchange of culture to different audiences through Music.

The Ethnofonik course will provide the participants with musical and social training, enabling them to become effective coaches on music exchange projects in various contexts from international exchanges to local musical workshops. It is based on the example of the ‘artistic leader’ role at Ethno, a program of Jeunesses Musicales International.

Focus of the training (PDF)


Most part of activities will be run in and around the MJC CS CMT (Youth cultural and social center, Traditional music center) in Ris Orangis (postcode: 91130), Paris area

Working language

  • English


10 days of activities

From Wednesday November 18th 2020, to Saturday November 29th 2020.

International travels

Arrivals – Wednesday November 18th 2020, before 4pm at any Parisian airport or train station (except Beauvais Airport)

Departures – Sunday November 29th 2020 plane or train leaving after 4pm from any Parisian Airport or train station (except Beauvais Airport)

To answer this call, please:

Deadline is September 1st, 2020 at the latest!

Please notice that if we don’t get the documents asked at this date, we won’t be able to take your application into account.

Confirmation of selection

When final selection of participants will be approved by organizers, we will send you the result of the selection process. This is planned for September 14th, 2020.

Selected participants will at the same time receive all info needed to book their travels.

Please notice some candidates will be proposed to be on a reserved list and may be contacted to join the training in case of cancellation of a selected participant.

Organizers will also let know to participants that are not selected.

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