Support A Student

Uganda has many talented young musicians who cannot afford the fees for the Academy. Your help could be crucial to them. A small amount will achieve a lot. There are two ways to support a student.

You can make a small contribution to assist students at the discretion of the Academy


You can support a student for with a full scholarship for one year.

If you choose to support a student for 1 year you will be able to follow their progress at the academy. The Bayimba Academy will select the scholarship students according to the criteria you decide upon.

If you choose to support a student for a full year we will provide a list of potential scholarship students for you to make your choice.

Once you have decided which student you would like to support the management team at the academy will get in touch with you to finalize the details.

The Bayimba Academy also offers a 25% reduction in tuition fees to all female students to encourage female participation in the music industry.

  • One month of tuition costs 50€
  • One year of tuition costs 450€ (= 50€ a month for 9 months)
  • One month of tuition for a female costs 36€
  • One year of tuition for a female costs 324€ (= 36€ a month for 9 months)

Simply fill out the form and send it to us.

  • Support A Student

  • - One month of tuition costs 50€
    - One year of tuition costs 450€ (= 50€ a month for 9 months)
    - One month of tuition for a female costs 36€
    - One year of tuition for a female costs 324€ (= 36€ a month for 9 months)
  • If you are still uncertain what to do we can provide more information for you and send you a list of potential scholarship students to help you make your choice more personal.
  • Contact Details

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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