Open call for application
14 – 20 June 2020
The Festival Academy calls for applications for an online Atelier.
Alumni of The Festival Academy are invited to apply by 20 May 2020!
While we are still trying to grasp what is going on here and now with most of us in quarantine or going into lockdown while we speak, we are simultaneously trying to understand what this may mean for the future of the arts, festivals and society as a whole. This training aims at exploring in-depth some key questions and provocations formulated during bi-weekly alumni working group meetings since half March 2020.
We find courage and creativity with each other to take this crisis as an opportunity to dare and re-imagine a world affected by COVID-19 . What are the key learnings from this crisis, for humanity as a whole, what do we want to see changed, how can the arts and festivals play a leading role in this transformation?
Participants of this mutual learning Atelier will be able to share about the situation in their country, how this is impacting their festival and livelihood and the arts as a whole, their most pressing concerns and challenges, and any creative solutions they have come across or are pursuing.
Deadline: 20 May2020
The atelier will build around following topics (topics will be further collected from the online alumni working group and on the basis of the expectations of the participants):
- Sustainability – What is the Economic Impact? How can we build a more resilient eco system for the arts? How can we take care of the people working in the arts? What are the different funding possibilities?
- Artist and Arts – How to prioritize this most vulnerable group with specific focus on individual artists. Development of solidarity mechanisms to protect individual artists and festivals. The mental well-being of artists.
- Responsibility – It is not only about survival, what is our duty, our public function? Towards our audiences, artists, society?
- Impact on curation– Choices / arts creation and formats
- Audience development– How to regain the confidence of the audience? Will people still want to gather in the same way? Are any post – conflict/ post- social trauma strategies useful in this crisis
- Digital world – going online?– The social aspect to this. The digital divide. Safety and security issues. How to monetize digital art? Ethics related to this online world.
- Freedom of speech and Mobility – International travel. Limitations on mobility and freedom.
- Climate and environmental impact – How to work internationally with less impact on the environment? How to produce and create work?
- Opportunitiesand Threats – What are the silver linings? How can we transform certain aspects in society from this experience to create a fairer and more equal world? What can the role of art, artists and festivals be in this? What are the dangers? Which freedoms are at stake? Can festivals be places of resistance?
- Contextualising the crisis – looking at it from geographical, economical and socially different perspectives and adapting strategies to answer specific needs.
The Atelier will be co-created with alumni, an alumni steering group with representation from each continent will co-develop the workshop.
For more information click here.