2015 Photography Workshop

Course Details

The training is designed to equip photographers with professional stage photography skills and to stretch participants’ hands-on techniques to cover live events such as concerts and festivals. The Participants will be taught camera techniques to cover live events ensuring reliable results along with creative techniques for distinctive work. Processing digital files with Lightroom primarily along with some Photoshop work. Instruction will be given on raw file workflow and processing from input to output along with creative expressionism for individual visions. Some participants will partake in tutoring on an assistant basis so they can gain experience and confidence for future trainings.

Who is the program for?

Two types of participants will be accepted. 1. Photographers wishing to gain experience and training in live event training and 2. Photographers with some experience who are prepared to take a further step into training by assisting the tutors and mentoring the less experienced attendees.


The training will take place from 14h to 21 September 2015.


The training will be held at the National Theatre, Kampala.


The Training will be facilitated by Geoff Walker, an experienced photographer from New Zealand, an Adobe Certified Expert in Lightroom and an Adobe Community Professional.

Geoff is from the Wairarapa District of New Zealand where famous movie directors Peter Jackson and James Cameron have also come to live. Photography has been in Geoff life since birth and at now 60 years he has a diverse range of experience and skills. He is a Sales Representative for Nikon and owner of a Nikon retail store. He owns First digital photographic printing lab in New Zealand and the third in the world. He has worked alongside and published with Magnum photographers Ernst Haas and Brian Brake on “Focus on New Zealand” project. He has had many exhibitions the most recent being a 3 month showing of 135 images entitled “Shear Wairarapa” with the subject of people who shear sheep of wool. The exhibition was opened by New Zealand’s Governor General with the Prime Minister attending. Geoff uses Nikon equipment and photographs a wide variety of subjects including live performance, portraits, commissions, landscapes. He used Adobe Photoshop for 20 years and Adobe Photoshop Lightroom since 2006. Adobe Certified Expert in Lightroom and Adobe Community Professional who assists users around the world and moderates Adobe Forums.


The training is free of charge. Participants are expected to attend the whole period of the training and bring their own professional equipment (photo/video camera, laptop with professional software). Camera – a camera with manual functions and preferably interchangeable lenses. Wide angle to telephoto capacity preferably with fast aperture. Tripod or monopod would be useful. Cards for your camera to allow shooting for an extended period with raw files. Knowledge of the workings of a camera. This will not be a basics course.

Computer – the use of a laptop with a current operating system capable of running the current Lightroom and Photoshop versions. An external hard drive is preferable along with a backup drive.

How to apply?

You are required to apply for participation by completing and submitting the application form by 30th of June 2015

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